Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008
Strategi Menulis Buku Best Seller
Hampir sepanjang waktunya terkuras untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa bisnis sistem dan logic programming. Maklum saja Leman adalah seorang pengusaha dan konsultan Teknologi Informasi. Namun justru bukan dari dunia TI namanya melambung, melainkan dari dunia tulis menulis, sesuatu yang berada di luar profesi awalnya. Bukunya 50 Chinese Wisdoms dan The Best of Chinese Saying terbitan Gramedia Pustaka Utama menempati posisi lima besar menurut laporan Koran Tempo per 31 Desember 2007.
Rahasianya? “Seorang penulis harus mempunyai naluri bisnis, bisa melihat dan memanfaatkan peluang. Jangan menulis hanya sekadar hobi atau mengisi waktu. Tetapi coba jadikan menulis itu sebagai peluang bisnis, visi bisnisnya dikedepankan (tanpa mengabaikan aspek lainnya). Dengan demikian, ia bisa mendorong orang memanfaatkan strategi-strategi yang bisa menjadikan buku-buku tersebut berhasil,” ungkap bapak tiga anak ini.
Lebih lanjut Leman menuturkan, dalam menulis buku dirinya menggunakan strategi yǐ yì dài láo (Dengan sabar menunggu musuh kelelahan). Inti strategi ini, jelas Leman, menekankan pentingnya menjadi pelopor pasar, memasuki dan menciptakan pasar baru dengan memanfaatkan momentum yang tepat, tidak boleh terlalu cepat atau terlalu lambat untuk memenangkan kompetisi. “Saya memanfaatkan momentun di mana banyak masyarakat yang haus akan ‘Chinese Wisdoms,’ karena selama tiga dasawarsa ini, kebebasan untuk mempelajari salah satu bahasa dilarang oleh pemerintahan Orde Baru.”
Selain itu, Leman mengadobsi strategi měi rén jì (Siasat memanfaatkan kecantikan wanita). Penjabarannya, imbuh Leman, pelanggan mempunyai kebutuhan atau keinginan selain kualitas, oleh sebab itu seseorang harus bisa menggunakan ‘kecantikan’ untuk menggodanya. Jika mereka ‘tergoda’ atau tertarik dengan penampilan tersebut Anda telah berhasil. “Buku-buku saya desain sedemikian rupa agar nuansa Tiongkoknya begitu kental dan menarik. Banyak testimoni dari pembaca mengatakan mereka jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. Sebenarnya penjelasan dari strategi ini mei ren ji sangat luas, dan saya jelaskan dengan detail dalam buku The Best of Chinese Strategies,” ujarnya tanpa bermaksud jumawa.
Jurus lain adalah shù shàng kāi huā (Menempatkan bunga palsu di pohon). Dijelaskan Leman, inti dari strategi ini ialah bagaimana menampilkan sesuatu menjadi tampak luar biasa, eksklusif, canggih, gagah, kokoh, menarik ( walaupun mungkin produknya ”biasa-biasa saja”). Yang dipoles bisa dari segi produk, kemasan, suasana (misalnya ruangan perkantoran, restoran), status dan sebagainya. ”Saya berhasil menggunakan judul-judul yang menarik, terlihat canggih, menarik dan dashyat zeperti ”The Best of.....,” katanya membuka rahasia.
Strategi lainnya adalah àn dù chén cāng (Menuju Chen Cang melalui jalur tersembunyi).
Inti dari strategi itu adalah dengan mengfokuskan calon pelanggan (lead) pada satu titik tertentu. Setelah mereka mengkonsentrasikan diri di sana, Anda menggunakan jalur yang”tersembunyi” untuk memperkenalkan atau menjual produk.
“Implementasi dari strategi ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengundang para pelanggan atau calon pelanggan datang ke suatu event; seperti talkshow, pameran dan sebagainya (ini adalah suatu tindakan yang terbuka), dan mempromosikan produk (ini dilakukan secara terselubung). Dalam marketing, dikenal dengan istilah promosi below the line,” pungkas pria yang pendidikan formalnya tidak pernah terkait dengan profesi tulis menulis ini.
Prospek cerah Ikan mas “bocah”
Ikan mas laleutik (kecil-kecil) ini ternyata memiliki pasar yang prospektif. Tak pernah ada kata rugi dalam membudidayakannya. Russanti Lubis
Ada gula, ada semut. Begitulah gambaran bisnis ikan mas balita yang dijalankan Rosyid Dahlan, mantan Account Officer Bank Rakyat Indonesia cabang Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Dikatakan begitu, semula ikan mas balita cuma dibudidayakan, di Cianjur khususnya, secara sambil lalu. Mendadak, boleh dikata begitu, dibudidayakan secara intensif. Hal ini, ternyata dipicu oleh banyaknya permintaan dari kalangan berduit di Jakarta.
“Orang-orang Jakarta kalangan atas justru lebih menyukai ikan mas balita dibandingkan ikan mas dengan ukuran pada umumnya. Dengan digoreng garing, ikan-ikan seukuran jari tangan orang dewasa ini, akan terasa renyah dan gurih saat dimakan. Bahkan, beberapa orang menjadikannya sebagai teman minum teh atau kopi,” jelasnya. Sekadar informasi, ikan mas balita ini, karena ukurannya yang mungil, hanya dapat dikonsumsi dengan cara digoreng.
Apa sih ikan mas balita? “Ikan mas balita merupakan nama dagang yang diberikan oleh sebuah perusahaan katering di Bogor, terhadap ikan mas yang saat dipanen baru berumur sebulan. Sebenarnya, istilah ini mengacu kepada ikan-ikan tersebut setelah mereka diolah atau digoreng. Produsen lain mengistilahkannya ikan laleutik (Sunda: ikan kecil-kecil, red.), ikan baby, dan sebagainya. Sedangkan dalam pembudidayaan ikan mas, ia diistilahkan putihan,” katanya. Sekadar informasi, dalam pembudidayaan ikan yang berwarna kuning keemasan ini, terdapat tiga tahapan yang harus dilalui, yang dimulai dari penetasan dan diakhiri dengan pemanenan. Ketiga tahapan itu diistilahkan burayak, gabar, dan putihan. “Serah, itu istilah Cianjurnya,” imbuhnya.
Dari segi bisnis, Rosyid melanjutkan, mengembangbiakkan ikan mas balita lebih berisiko dibandingkan membudidayakan ikan mas dalam ukuran normal, yang jelas-jelas lebih menguntungkan. Tapi, bila petani ikan mas tidak mempunyai lahan yang cukup besar, budidaya ikan mas balita tentu saja lebih prospektif, apalagi untuk kondisi saat ini. “Untuk membesarkan ikan mas hingga seberat ¼ kg saja, dibutuhkan lahan yang sangat besar. Jadi, bayangkan berapa luas empang yang harus kita miliki, jika kita menebar satu liter benih ikan mas, padahal dalam satu liter itu terdapat 2.000 benih,” ujarnya. Sekadar informasi, satu liter benih ikan mas dijual dengan harga Rp50 ribu.
Budidaya ikan mas balita, khususnya, juga sangat tergantung pada kondisi lokasi pembudidayaan. “Ikan mas balita bagus dikembangbiakkan di daerah yang memiliki kondisi alam dan cuaca seperti Cianjur, misalnya di Ciganjur atau Depok,” katanya. Di samping itu, sebelum budidaya dilakukan, kita juga harus memiliki empang yang benar-benar terpelihara. “Caranya, keringkan empang terlebih dulu selama minimal lima hari. Setelah itu, kawinkan ikan mas betina dengan pejantan dalam empang tersebut. Usai perkawinan, di hari yang sama, ikan mas betina akan bertelur. Tiga hari kemudian, telur-telur ini akan menetas. 12 hari berikutnya, ikan-ikan ini sudah dapat dipanen dan dijual. Jadi total waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam budidaya ini hanya 20 hari,” ungkapnya. Usai dipanen, empang harus dibersihkan lagi. Jika kurang subur, bisa diberi pupuk.
Dari setiap liter benih yang ditebarkankan dihasilkan 30 kg ikan mas balita. Tapi, hasilnya tidak selalu sebesar itu karena banyak faktor, misalnya penyakit, benih dimakan binatang lain, air yang terkena polusi, atau cuaca yang kurang mendukung. “Musim kemarau bagus untuk mengembangbiakkan ikan, sedangkan musim penghujan akan menghambat pertumbuhan ikan,” jelas pria yang mulai serius berbisnis budidaya ikan sejak tahun 2000 ini. Di sisi lain, ikan mas balita juga dapat dibudidayakan di sawah (minapadi, red.). Tapi, karena dilakukan secara tradisional atau alakadarnya dan disambi menunggu benih padi siap tanam, maka hanya akan dihasilkan 20 kg untuk setiap satu liter benih yang ditebarkan.
Dalam pemasarannya, di tingkat petani, ikan-ikan imut ini dijual dengan harga Rp16 ribu hingga Rp17 ribu per kilogram, maksimal Rp20 ribu/kg. Sedangkan setiap kilonya berisi sekitar 200 ekor. “Saya panen sebulan sekali sebanyak 50 kg, sedangkan setiap minggu saya harus memasok 4 kuintal ke sebuah perusahaan katering di Bogor, sehingga saya harus mengumpulkan sisanya ke para petani ikan balita setempat. Bahkan jika bulan puasa tiba, saya harus memasok sekitar 3 kuintal per tiga kali seminggu,” kata pemilik sembilan empang dengan total luas hampir 2 ha, yang tersebar di Kampung Kopo, Kampung Joglo, dan Kampung Bojongrenget, yang semuanya terletak di Cianjur. Setelah diolah (digoreng dan dikemas, red.), ikan-ikan ini dijual ke konsumen dengan harga Rp55 ribu per ¼ kg.
“Bisnis (budidaya) ikan itu tidak merugikan. Bahkan, kadangkala mendatangkan untung besar, meski tak jarang hanya untung kecil yang bisa diraup, tapi tidak pernah merugi, sepanjang sudah memiliki atau mengetahui pasarnya,” ucap Rosyid. Anda tertarik? Silahkan lihat boks.
Analisa Usaha Ikan Mas Balita (dalam 1 periode)
Jika Anda berminat berbisnis ikan mas balita, tapi Anda tidak mau direpotkan dengan segala tata aturan pembudidayaannya atau luas lahan Anda terbatas, maka sebaiknya Anda cukup membeli benihnya saja.
Benih 2 lt @ Rp50.000,-/lt Rp 100.000,-
Biaya Produksi
Pakan 1 kuintal @ Rp4.000,-/kg Rp 400.000,-
1 tenaga kerja Rp 100.000,- +
Total Rp 600.000,-
Hasil Penjualan (tingkat petani)
60 kg @ Rp20.000,-/kg Rp1.200.000,- -
Laba Kotor Rp 600.000,-
Risiko kematian 15% hingga 20%.
Pembudidayaan ini dilakukan di dalam kolam seluas 1.000 m².
Laba kotor ini merupakan hasil panen ikan mas balita hanya dalam satu kolam. Dengan demikian, semakin banyak kolam yang dimiliki, semakin banyak laba yang diraup.
Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008
Mencari Rupiah di

Mengingat jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia, yang mencakup semua lapisan usia, status, pekerjaan dan lain-lain. Selain itu, Internet sekarang juga telah sangat murah dan mudah didapat, dapat di rumah, yang, di mall, mall juga di kafe-kafe yang telah memburuk.
Langkahbaru hadir sebagai sebuah program periklanan yang akan memberikan Anda hanya dengan membuka / membaca iklan yang kami tampilkan di sini.
Selain pendapatan dari membuka / membaca iklan, kami juga memberikan bonus, bonus untuk anggota lainnya, yaitu:
SignUp Bonus: Bonus, yang dapat langsung anda dapatkan setelah pendaftaran (pendaftaran) kami menerima Anda.
LOGIN Bonus: Bonus yang akan Anda dapatkan setiap kali masuk ke progarm ini (diukur perhari).
REFFERAL Bonus: Bonus akan ada ketika Anda mendapatkan anggota baru yang mendaftar pada rekomendasi (panggilan) Anda. Bonus ini terus selama anggota masih aktif. Anda akan menerima komisi dari setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh anggota, sedangkan kedua anggota mendaftar, login juga komisi dari total pendapatan yang telah dikumpulkan oleh anggota.
Oleh karena itu ...
Sementara Anda browsing, chatting atau ber aktivitas Internet lainnya, mengapa tidak Anda bergabung dengan program ini? Karena di sini adalah nilai-nilai rupiah yang dapat Anda kumpulkan ...!
Selamat Bergabung!
Jangan ragu atau ditunda lagi ...
adalah karena kami tidak memungut biaya apapun,
alias GRATIS!
Daftar disini Yah
Web Design Opportunity
And all without printing, postage or phone costs! The problem is that for most people, designing a website is on a par with building your own TV set–a major mystery best left unexplored. But if you can unlock the secrets of HTML and you’ve got a flair for graphics and copywriting, then Website design could be the business for you. The advantages to this business are that it’s creative, you can start part-time on a minimal budget, and even if you don’t already know HTML, it’s not difficult to learn once you set your mind to it. And you can deal with clients in any geographic region without leaving your computer. You should have a good rapport with your computer and have mastered the basic skills to get around in cyberspace. You’ll also need a talent for graphics and copywriting because your goal for each client will be not only to get the website up and running but to design one that’s easy to navigate through, visually appealing, and clearly yet cleverly worded. Get started by designing a few sample sites to showcase your talents, and be sure to mix up your sample work to include e-commerce, information portal, and so on.
The Market
Your clients will be businesses–you can target everything from SOHOs to nonprofit organizations to professional associations to government agencies. Choose a geographic or specialty area to start with–say, small businesses in your community or real estate agencies–then send direct-mail pieces explaining the values of a website and your services. Put up your own website both to attract business and to serve as a sample of your work, and establish links with other internet sites so potential clients can find you through as many paths as possible.
Needed Equipment
As a Website designer, your most important tool will be, of course, your computer; make sure yours has a fast internet connection. You’ll also need a scanner (inexpensive is OK), Web page creation software, and a graphic design package. If your Web page software doesn’t have the oomph to upload files to the internet service provider, you’ll want a program to carry out this task.
Related Business Ideas
Domain Name Broker
E-Commerce Consultant
Internet Trainer
Online Art Prints
Online Children’s Camps
Online Contractors Directory
Online Recycled Renovation Products
Online Scholarship Directory
Online Vitamin Sales
Public Opinion Service
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Source :
A profitable business
Value, the first time are introduced by their parents in infancy and then added by teachers, religious belief, of association and the environment. Spiritual values, when this is the foundation of individual behavior is very important. Why it is important to know the value of an individual? Although this does not have a direct impact on behavior, values with a strong influence attitudes one. So the knowledge of the value system of an individual can give insight into the attitudes-attitudes.
With edge-known that the value of different people, managers can use the Rokeach Values Survey, the share value into two groups, namely the value of the instrument and the value of goals that can be used to assess the potential employee and whether the set of values they segaris with the dominant values of organization. Performance and satisfaction an employee will most likely be more mengaggap very important, imagery, clack bergantungan, and freedom will most likely be poor value conformity with an organization that organize the compliance of its employees. The manager will be more likely mengahargai, with a positive rate, and distributing benefits to employees in accordance with the organization, and employees will be more likely event if they perceive that they are appropriate. This is the defense of the management strive for the selection of new employees to find candidates who not only have the ability, experience and motivation, but also a system of values appropriate (compatible) with the value system of organization.
The manager should be interested in the attitudes employees because of their attitude to provide warning of potential problems and because attitudes affect behavior. Karyawanyang pride in and commitment to, for example, have come out and the level of absenteeism is lower. If managers want to stop the application and decreased attendance - especially among their employees productive - they will want to do things that will generate a positive working attitude, so write Stephen Robbins in organizational Behavior.
The company is guided by the value of proven success in the long term. Grameen Bank is a company that values with the vision of the world without poverty. Grameen Bank founded by Muhammad Yunus has only one purpose, namely to distribute credit for the poor in Bangladesh.
Values that put Muhammad Yunus to the employee or the staff to make Grameen Bank grew rapidly. First groups to help mothers are poor bamboo craftsman, has now helped 46,000 villages in Bangladesh. Moreover, if the business is guided by the value of worship to God, then the business will gain the most. "God loves those who easily in the sale, purchase, repayment and billing. He who gives to the people of the suspension of the (to pay the debt) or lead to, then God will menghisabnya with penghisaban the light. Whoever receives the purchase back from those who deplore purchase, cancel, Allah (remove) admitted on the Day of Resurrection. "Heat dawn.
Starting from the hobby
Mooryati Soedibyo start a business from hobby. "As a daughter Palace since I familiar with herbal medicine and herbal medicine makes. I make herbal medicine health care for themselves and their families. I also helped friends make medicine for the day before the wedding, herbal medicine for before and after birth, and so forth. This is all I do in a family or social only. After moving to Jakarta, was still a lot of friends that I like to order medicine, and they provide the cost of replacement materials, the herbal medicine. "Said Mrs. Mooryati Soedibyo, Founder and owner of PT. Mustika Ratu. Initially, he made medicine for health care in the form of fresh water, such as kencur rice, turmeric acid, and so forth. And then create a new herbal medicine he others in accordance with the needs and requests. Now PT.Mustika Queen has helped reduce unemployment, with the recruitment of around 3,000 workers. Business is also a pride of Indonesia as one of the quality of the product-based, are made, and resources generated from Indonesia, which draws in the world.
Similarly, Martha Tilaar start a business from hobby. Martha Tilaar like a small child, because until the age of 40 years do not have children. Also encouraged because the 250-dollar scholarship per month to lecture at Indiana University, is not enough to live on. But Martha Tilaar open business where child care. Marketing is done dngan sets announcement on the campus of Indiana University that its content "Baby Sitter I was, willing to accommodate infants and children." The result came 13 foster children, from infants to have to sit in primary school. They leave their children, because the course. From this child care business, Martha Tilaar obtain her husband's income exceeds the scholarship. From the results of this business, used to go to the Academy of Beauty Culture in Bloomington, Indiana. After graduating from beauty school, Martha Tilaar announced on the campus no longer as baby sitter, but as a beautician who are ready to be called to serve beauty. Calls flood of new business Martha Tilaar. In the year 1972, after the return from the United States, his parents garage narrow, converted to a beauty salon with the name Martha's salons. Martha Tilaar introduce traditional herbal medicine mixed in salonnya own as he and rabbit experiment. In fact produce results. When he was awaiting the birth of her baby, partners working in cooperation to cancel a sudden, out of state to establish their own businesses. This bitter memories, making it grateful "Great God Almighty. I have a baby, but my business failed. " But from this failure, Martha mengubahmya now become a success like this. Even Matha Tilaar is the only U.S. woman in the book John Naisbitt "Megatrends Asia".
Product Strategy Bussines Prophet Mohammed
This product is intended for women and for sale. From Abdullah bin Umar pleased, he said: "He saw never send silk or silk clothing to the mix Umar pleased, and he saw something that used by Umar. His sayings, "I submit to you the clothes, not to use it. Who will wear it is the people who are not lucky for him. Kukirimkan to you is that you can take advantage of, namely, that you are selling. "(Bukhari).
Style describes the appearance and feeling for customers. From Aiman pleased, he said: I am well she, there are clothes that women maked of yarn for five Dirham. The words she: "Look women, see it! He felt as regal wear it in the house. I never wear clothing that period in the Messenger of Allah Every woman who wants to primp in Medina, always send a messenger to me to her borrowing "(Bukhari).
Capital payment in advance
At the time we open a branch of the Education Center and Computer Management IMKI in the way of Abubakar Ali number 20 Kotabaru Yogyakarta, after advertising in the People's Daily Kedaulatan that can be paid in the back, finally get the 35 students. Then, given the general course that includes explanation teantang material will be taught for one year. Starting from the material Achievement Motivation Training System to Analysis. Suddenly they ask "Sir, my computer which does not exist?". "Please note in the ad saying how.", I guess. "Pendikan Computers equipped with practical management education and entrepreneurship," they answered. "You are right. In the first month of this you will get practical management education and entrepreneurship, and the new computers: "I said in my heart" but you also have to pay. " After one month of their happy, eventually pay. Money from these students kreditkan my computer can be 12 computers. "That compromise" I said. "Oh my computer is already Pak" they said. I have said in the "indeed, it is your money." So we can operate the business with the payment in advance, the payment from our customers.
Even when I, together with friends from Totalwin Institute of Management in cooperation with Warnbrough University, UK. MBA program open (when it is not prohibited), enough to provide five-star hotel, which can be paid in the background, and students to pay in advance. The first time, prospective students gathered in a hotel provided an explanation of the MBA program from the University Warnbrough. Including how much it costs, they must study in the UK. If in the course of Indonesia can use the introduction to English. Tesisnya only in English in the supervision by the Representative Warnbrough University of Australia. After the general course, for those interested can provide advance payment of Rp. 1,000,000 and -. From the money can be used to rent the room along with other equipment, so that managers not to spend money. After at least 15 students sign up, start the course immediately. Thus the hotel with other facilities can be met with the advance payment from students. From the results of the MBA program can eventually be used to establish the program MM STIE "ABI" Surabaya. Master's Program Management perhaps the most in demand in Indonesia, because the students have about 1000 people.
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Starting from the education business
Ir. Ciputra start a business with the education field of architecture and properties, because it of Architecture faculty alumni ITB 1960. Ciputra now as the President Director of PT Ciputra Development (CD) and President Commissioner of PT Jaya Realty (JR) and the CEO off the public's best 1997 version Sembada Swa magazine.
My education after completing a Master of Arts Management with friends established the Masters of Business Administration, in cooperation with the West Coast of the Institute of Management and Technology, Australia and Warnbrough University, the United Kingdom before any regulations on the MBA program. Once the rules are and then establish a Master of Arts Management Program at STIE "Artha body Iswara" Surabaya. Currently, students Magister Management Program is about 1000 students, perhaps the Master's Program Management that the number of students in Indonesia. So you can start your business with education, and when the course.
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